Gospel Spreading Cards

What if there was a way to spread the gospel just by leaving cards around in different places? Well, there is. I made a little sheet of cards that you have permission to print out and use. Just save one of the images below to your computer files, print the image, cut out the cards, and leave them in places as you go about your day. Branch out and get creative. Restaurants. Libraries. School. You name it. Leave a card behind.

How These Work: Anyone who scans the code on one of the cards will be taken to a website where they’ll be taught how to be saved and begin a relationship with Jesus. They’re like tracts, but a bit more technological :)

Very important please read: Highly recommend scanning the cards with your own phone camera before using them, just to make sure the QR code works. If the card comes out too small, it might not. ALSO, if you’re planning to use these long term, keep checking to make sure the code still takes you to a “how to know God” page. The URL may change with time, so check periodically with your phone to make sure the code is still doing its job.

God bless and happy gospel spreading!

(Note: this will not work on mobile, so make sure you are using a computer)

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